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Weed Ender

428-P Landscape Fabric, 50 ft L, 4 ft W

Sku: 30340010
2 Available at San Marcos
Location: Aisle 36
Landscape Fabric & Accessory Options:Weed Ender Landscape Fabric 50 ft

Weed Ender Landscape Fabric, 50 ft L, 4 ft W

  • Block light, weeds and grasses grow towards the light
  • Allow moisture and nutrients to pass-freely into the soil, most professionals now understand the ill effects of using a non-porous membrane, not only is it bad for the planting area, but also allows runoff of the aggregate on top of it
  • Provide for the escape of CO2, if the fabric does not breathe properly, a toxic build up in soil can make for a sour and sterile soil
  • Withstand installation stress, the fabric should be strong enough to withstand the vigorous stresses of application


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